Saturday 12 September 2015

What is love?

Having kids in my life has opened my eyes and heart more than I've ever anticipated.  I don't know if I formulated an opinion prior to them about much as my personal life experiences limited me to nothing further outside the exposure I was offered.  Or lack there of.  Not to blame anyone, there is no need for that.  It was simply lack of experience or exposure on others that they were exposed to.  

Our thought process is based on experiences we've had in life.  Good or bad.  We judge what we see by what we hear & feel.  If you cut yourself with a knife is soapy water, you will learn some valuable lessons.  a. don't put sharp objects in soapy water where you can't see them & b. it hurts!  

In that order, we place life lessons and base our thought processes on them.  Like love, we go into this blindly, tossing basic instincts aside until we get hurt.  Sometimes, we keep repeating the pattern until we become numb to the process and forget what it's all about.  

A key to moving forward in life is experiences, learning within them and finally, growing from them.  If you want to stay home, that is okay.  If you want to get out and see what there is in this great big world, that is okay too.  Just do your best not to hold someone back from trying to be a better "them".  They may not want to run from you but grow with you.  They may not want to find another, they may want your unconditional love.  

Love isn't control, it's acceptance.  Love isn't greed or anger, it is generous and kind.  

If you want to say something, learn about it first.  Speak your mind when it's full of knowledge.  Free yourself from binds that hold you by learning something new, become a kinder person by gaining insight by asking someone... "is everything okay?"  

I didn't learn these by waking up one day and a light bulb went on, I picked up little bits here and there by life experiences.  I've also taken the opportunity to listen and not speak.  

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