Sunday 20 September 2015

We are human

I want to start off saying thank you to those who have made mistakes.  You've humanised who you are.  A common thread we tend to forget everyone has.  

I fell off my first bike the first time I tried to peddle.  My sister behind me, giving me a push, encouraging me to keep going.  I fell.  I cried.  I didn't want to get back on but she said to.  She also said, I wasn't the first to fall and almost everyone else got back on.  The ones that didn't?  They never found out what it was like to succeed at something that scared them.  

Within this we can say so many things make us human.  Trying something new, discovering you aren't the only one to fall, hearing encouraging words, success and conquering fear. 

Regardless of our skin colour, beliefs and language.  It's time to practise a bit of compassion and come to the simple truth, we are all human.  We will do our best, even in the darkest of hours, we will succeed.  

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