Tuesday 8 September 2015

The shoes

Through time and experience, I've discovered that life is a collaboration of thoughts, ideas and even energy.  

What is collaboration?  

This is usually done by a group of people coming together for a common goal.  

What if, you used the term for yourself?  I'm taking about your beliefs and ideals.  Your experiences in life, narrow those down for each of us and see how it's put us on a path towards something we never dared plan or for that matter, dream.  

10 even 20 years ago, I never thought I'd be in the shoes I am now.  The funny thing is, I picked them.  For the first time, I picked them.  (metaphorically speaking ~ saying with a slight smirk) 

I've gone through life thus far and I'll use the term "collaboration" to describe the events that put my shoes together.  Tough times, amazing times, beautiful moments and sad moments.  
Each experience I've had though, has given me a new perspective that has opened my eyes and when I look back on the well worn path, I smile a bit.  

I suppose this is why you hear the saying, "never judge a person until you've walked in their shoes"... 

So, I've taken each experience, tossed them together and created these amazing shoes that I will build a better path on.  It's in my control and no ones else will determine the durability of these shoes.  Granted, I plan on changing them a few times.  I know I've got a lot of things to cover.  

Why don't you try on your own pair?

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