Friday 4 September 2015

What if the world were to crumble would you drop your arms and extend your hands?

Would we drop arms against each other, stop looking at your neighbour as the enemy and reach out with an extended hand?  It's time to stop passing judgement on someone due to their beliefs, what you see, what you even hear second handed.  

You do not have to be best friends with someone who holds a different view, you can simply enjoy the opportunity to learn another aspect of life you may not have been exposed to before meeting them, before engaging them.  It's called respect and if we cannot have it for each other in our daily lives then we've become the animal which is controlled by anger, hate and fear.  

Start moving forward, away from those emotions, those feelings that make you lose control.  Move towards compassion, tolerance and create an open mind by using your ears.

I am exhausted daily by hearing and seeing the horrors that have plagued us, I want to see a kinder human kind.  A better human nature, a society where people stop to using each other to gain a life of loneliness based on one sided opinions and no insight to a better place for everyone.  

Start opening your eyes and stop letting society dictate how you celebrate a holiday, your family, what defines a family a marriage or even love.  Normal no longer exists, you now have the power within yourself to create a better life, a stronger future, a healthier society.  

If you think the image of Alyand Kurdi the 2 year old boy who drowned trying to escape Syria with his family isn't enough for you to stop and take that shocking breath, the moment where a completely innocent life was taken while running in fear of what his family believed in then you might need to reevaluate your own self.  

There isn't anything you can take with you when you leave, everything stays behind.  Life is the shortest thing you'll get and tossing it away due to the three emotions .. 

is it really worth it?  

Do you think that if the world is about to crumble, would you extend your hand and not the arms you carry?

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