Thursday 3 September 2015

Footprints on the moon

Many times we see ourselves as tied down, chained to something that makes us unhappy.  What if, we changed that thought process as something like this.. 

"I am held down to keep me grounded, to help me see what is real, what is human and what is necessary."

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see you reach for the sky.  Make your dreams come true, see the clouds not as a storm but as a way to jump further into your passions.  

Try not to see limitations as something that is a barrier but a curve in the road.  Perhaps that bump is simply a moment to teach you how to over come.  You'll get to where you need to be in life.  You'll be passed the tools to make it and all you have to do is see them as tools, not barriers, see them as lessons not distractions.  Use each moment in your life to build your path and before you know it, you'll be beyond the sky, into the stars, walking on the moon.

On a last note.. thanks to some of my amazing friends for giving me time to breathe, a moment to believe in and their faith.  

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