Friday 25 September 2015

To be of value, rather than success

I've had the pleasure of meeting a wide range of people to date in my life that have a different perspective of success.  When one tells me they felt the most successful is when they've had possessions or access to unlimited funds I smirk, wondering if they truly know what success is.  

I've got my version of success and for me, it's not that.  Success is knowing you've impacted someones life.  I was quite young when I had my first.  I've shared the shoe story a few times but it never gets old and it certainly puts a smile on my face.   

I was 5, playing outside, bare foot on the side of the road, checking out pebbles.  A lady came up to me and asked me where my shoes were.  I shrugged my shoulders and just told her they were for the store, school or church, not for playing outside.  I never thought much of the lack of footwear, it was a simple part of my life.  She took me to the mall, bought me 3 pairs of shoes.  A pair of runners, a pair of red dress shoes and a pair of sandals.  Brought me home and of course I said thank you.  I ran into the house to tell my mum.  Of course she was upset, I was oblivious of the dangers when going with a stranger at 5 years of age and when we went back outside with mum.  The lady was gone, never to be seen again.  

She had an impact on me.  My mum had an impact on me, my grandmother, cousins, sister, brothers.  I changed every time someone made me "pause & reflect".  I don't think I've been the wisest in life but I've certainly taken a bit from every experience.  Now looking back, I'd count moving forward a success.  I'd count learning to think a success.  I'd count that every time I've impacted someone, that is my greatest success.  I hope of course, all of them were positive.  My children are my biggest success, they've had me in their lives for as long as they've graced this earth and me.  

I use to think, perhaps like many that I didn't have the talents I've seen others display over the years.  The ones who pick up a guitar and sing, or ones who can play almost any sport or speak at an event without a pause.  Now when I see someone showing success in their lives by demonstrating their talents, it was nothing short of time and lots of hard work.  Which of course, brought them to the success they are having.  

I wouldn't say success is merely measured by what you own but what you have experienced, something you may have worked for and perhaps, what you are willing to give.  We appreciate internally what those are and it makes us happy.. right?  Well, in my case it makes me happy.  I don't need "items" to put a smile on my face anymore (if I did ever for that matter) I know who I am, where I've been, what I stand for.  

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