Tuesday 1 September 2015

Moments that shape you & the ones that define you.

I cannot pin point any specific moment in my life that has defined me but I can recall how I reacted to each moment that was difficult and how it shaped me. 

We will all face adversity, it's a fact.  Most of us, react with emotion, which is completely and authentically human.  The key is to acknowledge how we feel and accept that it's okay. Not only do we validate the feelings we are having but it becomes a vital step in moving forward. 

When I was a teenager, I faced my abusers by no only pressing charges but following it all the way through to court where I was asked by the judge what end result I felt was right.  Thankfully, after well over a year of counselling,  I was strong enough to say; "I want them to go to therapy".  

the judge asked me "Why?"

My reply?

"Abuse is a cycle.  It started somewhere but it must stop here."  

That very moment shaped me.  I was no longer a victim, I was a survivor.  

Don't let the moments define you, let them shape you.  Don't let others actions become who you are.  

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