Friday 28 August 2015

How to make change

Okay, I'll start off with a confession.  I don't know it all.  I'm not a professional writer nor have I ever professed to be.  I only speak on my life experiences and trust me, I'll share as many with you as I'm comfortable with, mostly will be positive ones.  

So you've clicked on this link to find out how to make change?  I may digress today but I'll do my best to get back on track.

I use to watch my mum and grandmum do things without expecting anything in return.  Mum would be there for kids when she could.  I'm not saying she was perfect but she did the best she was able to.  Gram, well I feel I talk about her more often.  She volunteered, helped her family and laughed.  Lots.  I saw these 2 very strong women do more than I've seen others in my entire live.  

That changed me.  

Step 1. Lead by example.  If you don't like what you see in the mirror, start daily with small challenges.  

I've learnt to listen to others.  I may not appear to be listening but trust me, I am.  I hear how other lives are different than my own.  Better or worse, they give me insight which in turn, teaches me compassion.  

Step 2.  Listen.  Before you let a word escape your lips, listen to them entirely.  

Mum use to tell me, "No one can love you until you love and accept yourself."  I thought this was a goofy statement.  Almost narcissistic but she was right.  Believing in yourself is a key to your strength.  Many of us forget to allow ourselves to be happy with our choices.  

Step 3.  Believe in yourself.  Charity begins at home and that includes you.  

When I was 12, I wanted to work but couldn't so mum got me into volunteering.  She told me it will help build my resume.  She was not only right but it helped me in step 3.  I started to do things that made me feel good.  I also received some amazing lessons and free education while volunteering.

Step 4.   Start volunteering.  You'll gain compassion, understanding and a boat load of great references for your life.  This won't just apply to jobs but to how you view yourself.

I could go on but for now, these first steps will help you along your path on how you can make changes.  We see too many harsh truths in the world with all this social media but we can make a difference with starting to make change.  See the change, become the change you want to see in this world.

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