Sunday 4 October 2015

Make your own path

I walk with my eyes open.  I didn't before.  I walked a path that others did.  I followed others that I thought were right.  

If I see something that I feel is right, my gut seconds it, I will go that way.  No matter the thorns that scratch my legs, the bushes I need to push aside, I will not go the way of the beaten path.  I may be in my forties now but I will use my head, follow my heart and trust my gut.  

I was starting to write this yesterday with a different direction.  I stopped and saved it as it wasn't where I usually go.  I do that often.  After today though, the words still stand strong but the direction is different.  A better different.  

Today, I was given the opportunity to participate in a fund raising event.  This time, I didn't volunteer but ran for a cause, in support of a friend.  My son and a friend joined me and what he saw was profound.  

He saw ALL nationalities, ALL religions, ALL types gathering to support someone they love who is facing or have faced the same battle.  What he saw was diversity at it's finest.  Without bias or racism.  Everything he's heard about any stereotype was washed down the toilet and he felt part of a bigger plan.  

I can attest that being involved with others lives gives perspective.  It teaches compassion and understanding more than any classroom and for free.  

Before you or anyone else you starts to rant about another race, religion or personal belief system, walk in their shoes.  Take a moment to ask questions, be involved and mostly, open your mind!  You've got one.  You do NOT need to walk the path of someone else, you can choose to walk your own and trust me, the rewards are endless, priceless and without a doubt, they will leave a bigger imprint on your heart and in your mind.

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