Sunday 23 August 2015

Finding a better you

Mum always told me to stick it out.  What did she know, right?  

Her first big lesson for me was "Volunteer my darling, you will learn so much and it looks great on a resume".  Little did she know where it would take me.  43 years later, I love doing it.  More so than actually working a paid job.  I've met the most amazing people, learnt how things happen behind the scenes but mostly, compassion.  

I've been extremely lucky to be able to start a volunteer committee at work where we get the opportunity to go out as a group once a month and do something.  To me, it's more like that saying; "Be the change you wish to see" and that's what we are becoming.  

I find local non for profits that are in need of volunteers and then send out an email to those who are interested.  Anyone can sign up and be involved.  There isn't a commitment for each event, just do what you can.  

We've served dinners, assisted in races & walks, sold 50/50 tickets at the Oilers games, collected food for the food bank, donated blood, at concerts selling t-shirts and many other opportunities.  

It's built a stronger foundation at work, I see those I've been with and we now have a connection where there was none before.  I have compassion for the ones I'm trying to help & I have a bit more understanding of who I am, who I am becoming and I like it.  

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