Friday 7 August 2015

Drawing your lines

Creating who you are is a journey in life that never happens over night.  We aren't born with determination and desire but life experiences give you this.  Some good experiences and some difficult ones.  

Don't think that for a moment this life and journey I'm in has come without moments of darkness, moments of doubt and moments of great fear.  How I've chosen to respond to them was what I could control and where I wanted to be.  

Growing up, I knew our home wasn't filled with the best of things but it was filled with laughter and plenty of love.  I loved each moment with abandon. 

Heading to the police station to write a report was one of the toughest things I did as a child but it taught me strength and endurance.  

Having a child at 18 taught me patience and love.  I grew and became second in my life, my child, first.  

The next 20+ years, the journey opened up my eyes to many other learning opportunities, some positive, some negative.  Losing family and friends along the path crushed my soul but taught me understanding and compassion.  

I started to develop my values after living life this far and until tonight when I had to write to someone, I wasn't able to put them into words.  I just knew where my lines had become, ones I wasn't willing to cross.  

Now, this life will have moments of joy, moments of happiness and all with myself knowing how far I'm willing to go and what I'm willing to share.

When you look in the mirror, what are your values?  Write them down as I did tonight.  Revise them, revisit them and draw your lines.  

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