Saturday 8 August 2015

Step out of your box

This your space.  Picture a square and you are in the centre of it.  What surrounds you are the ones you love and the things that make you feel at peace.  Walking out of it scares you and you don't feel the need to leave it. 

What if, you see something outside and the desire to experience it keeps you awake at night?  You'll question each thought, doubt yourself and even convince your mind that it's not necessary.  

Today, I want you to look outside your box and find one thing that you've never done but always had it in the back of your mind to do.  Start with baby steps and try to see how to get there.  

Last weekend I did something that was out of my box.  I booked, drove and enjoyed a weekend with my younger son.  It may sound silly to some of you but it was a step that I'd never taken in my entire life.  

Here we are, my younger son and I about to head to the Rocky Mountains.  An adventure I planned solely on my own.  Granted, I got suggestions from a few friends, I booked, planned, paid and drove the distance as the one responsible.  Again, this may sound odd to some of you, however to others you know exactly what I am talking about.  Next were the things that sat in the back of my head that I wanted to experience, I had a co-pilot to help navigate, be the DJ and enjoy the ride.  The best part of it was showing him how one can do it.  Taking him through the steps, communicating and watching him do things for the first time too.  Here are some photo's of what we've done
About to climb Whistler Mountain 
Half way up
Jr. and I half way up
Enjoying our lunch at the top!
The first part of this was simply.. breathtaking.  Not a moment I'd trade for anything in this world.  Now for the next day, the Glacier Ice fields.  Not that i've not seen ice or snow, I am from Canada but, this was simply amazing.  Millions of years old, sad to see how much it's changed but perhaps, this is life.  
Jr. getting his first drink of glacier water.

My first time!

We seem so high up but in reality,
it goes further back behind him, more than the eye can see!

One of the larger streams, the glacier at a constant melt.

This does not capture the vastness of the area but you clearly get an idea.

We were in awe.  How could we not have taken this opportunity to get out and witness what we've been so close to?  I know.  I was afraid to break out of my box, my comfort zone.  I allowed my fears and doubts control my life.  Now on to one last place for our trip then the drive home.  We hit the Glacier Sky Walk.  If you've not seen anything on this, you may be wondering what I am talking about.  Basically, it's a bridge that's been built so you can look through it.  Yep, made of some strong glass and it gives you this opportunity..
My son took a photo of me sitting, looking down.

Among natural beauty!

A better view of how it looks from further back with Jr. in the middle.
Now looking back at the past weekend, I can honestly say I've broken out of my box, did something that not only I wanted to do, but desperately needed to do.  Not even for myself.  I proved I can, I've shown my son he can and there is more out there in life that is waiting to be discovered.  Don't hold off until tomorrow, don't listen to the doubts in your head or from others.  Find a way and do it before you start to live with regrets, should have's and could haves.  

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