Friday 3 July 2015

Team work and respect can play in parenting, here's why.

Anyone who has been on a sports team for long enough can tell you that each player has a position, a task if I may.  Their role is to assist the entire team to obtain their goal.  To win.  This is called "Team work".

While I was growing up, I may not have seen what my mum was trying to do.  I would guess, she was unaware of it too but it came naturally to her and we all did what we were told.  Why?  Respect.

The two above statements seem completely opposite but in fact, they fit together like a puzzle piece.  Are you reading this wondering where I'm going?

I will start with the latter comment.  


Growing up with many siblings, foster kids coming and going & moving often we learnt several strategies many other kids were not privy to.  It sounds odd but no truer words rang in my mind.  We learnt acceptance and respect early.  Often told, the most important things in life were the roof over our heads, food in our belly and clothing on our backs.  I, for one, can attest to the simple fact of not knowing what was out there was a blessing.  I didn't really care when I was a young child.  Life was simple.  

Now for the first comment.  

Team work.

This tied into our childhood.  Due to moving often & having a home open to emergency foster children we had to have a simple routine.  Each of us had a task and were taught how to complete it in the best way we knew how.  Laughing back at my comments on how we thought mum just had kids to do her dirty work was narrow minded.  That wasn't her but what was, we didn't see.  At least for me, not until recently.  

She was extremely big hearted and taught us that everyone in our family had a role to play.  We had to respect her choices, even if we disliked them, accept what decisions she made and work as a team.  

Now as a mum myself, I've often used the phrase "team work" with my children.  I stress to them that I will not pay allowance as I've never been given a dime to do their laundry.  My job is to raise responsible, kind, hard working & compassionate children that, one day will do the same, if not better with their own.

Families need to work together now, more so than before.  Most homes have both parents working to provide the essentials.  If you have a child in other activities outside of regular school, you know the time commitment & financial costs.   It isn't up to the mum and dad to run the entire show but to set an example of how team work and respect come into play at home.  Communication is key to a successful team and when you've discovered how best your family can work together then you are on a path to a stronger family.

Finally, with the little bit of time you invest to showing your kids how to sweep or cook you are building a strong foundation.  You are giving them confidence, knowledge & power.  You are handing the keys over to them for a successful start in life.  

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