Saturday 4 July 2015

Do something different for a change

Today I did a first.  I ran (I should say that lightly as it was about 75% running) my first 5k registered run.  Surprisingly, it was easier than I anticipated.  The last few years, I've been increasing my walks, activity and decreasing time sitting on a couch watching TV.  Most of my down time at home is here writing or facebooking.  (hey, we all have a vice right?)

Well, let me tell you some things I picked up on in small journey.

About 2 weeks ago, I received an email at work from our local Ronald McDonald house asking for volunteers.  At work, we have a group of amazing people who come together to help a handful of non for profits that are in need of volunteers.  We all jump to the call to action when we can and at times, are the recipient of something returned in kind.  This one was fun.  After you volunteered, you were able to participate in the run for no cost.  

Last night along with a friend, I volunteered to toss color at runners as they approached the "purple" station.  Now, my friend who i've been lucky to have in my life now for 10 years, joined me.  It was actually more physically demanding doing this than we anticipated, injuries incurred but the laughs we had were out standing.  I am talking about gut busting, rolling on the ground laughter.  Something we both were in need of.  We forgot everything outside of this and had sore tummies, cheeks & feet.  We also met some amazing folks while doing this!

The following day, our plans were to meet at 9 am, drive over and get in the race.  Arriving shortly after and getting the lay of the "race" land, we got in line.  Now keep in mind, Mel sustained an injury to her foot last night so our ability to run wasn't as strong but she helped me with pace and at times, we walked.  We also talked.  We did run about 75% of the track and I am happy to say that it was much easier than I anticipated.  I did hear some girls say near the end.. "Oh thank god it's almost over!"  I looked at Mel and said "I was thinking, I am hoping there is more!"  we laughed again.  Crossed the finish line and talked about other possible races.  "Pace yourself Nic, get ready for next year and we can do lots!"  I laughed but agreed whole heartily.  

I got it though.  

Why do I volunteer so much?  It feels SO DAMN GOOD!  It soothes my soul.  It's therapy for my heart.  I always put 110% into it and come out feeling 100% better than what I did when I started.  The best part?  It helps someone other than me.   I get why my Gran did it so much.  She did say it made her feel younger, so I get it.  More than I anticipated. 

I get why some people run now.  It's fun, it's addicting, it's energizing & self challenging.  I understand why people do some of the things they do and it's always good.  I don't mind hopping on a band wagon with whomever wants to join in or suggest something I've never done.  As long as it's healthy both mentally and physically.  

So go out there, volunteer and do something you've never done before.  You might be more like me than you know.  You might surprise yourself too.

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