Wednesday 1 July 2015

Gaining from grand moments

I feel the last week has flown by as quickly as my dreams escape after waking in the brisk morning.  

A rollercoaster of emotions go through my heart when I speak to my children.  They will always be my babies, no matter their age.  

Last Friday, I learnt that my older son has officially completed his Red Seal.  This, which I've been told his quite difficult.  Regardless, my pride is beaming and the smile couldn't be wider.  Challenging yourself is a difficult thing to do, more so when the light at the end can appear dim.  He's not let that dissuade his end result.  For that alone, I am proud.

Earlier this week, my younger son told me of his plans. Now, keep in mind at 14 what child starts to develop their plans and come to you with what they need to do to achieve the end goals.  More so, with humour.  He proceeds to tell me a list of 4 goals.  Let me share with you, albeit with a bit of modesty.  

1. Let luck play out with life.
2. Get a degree.
3. Make the NHL.
4. Make the NHL & get a degree.

I asked him what was the order.  

1. Make the NHL & get a degree.
2. Make the NHL.
3. Get a degree.
4. Let luck play out with life.

I had to ask;
"What do you mean by letting luck play out with life?"
His reply;
"Mum, luck has nothing to do with it.  I know that it's completely in my control as to where my life will go, I was just trying to be funny."
I was in awe with his wisdom at such a young age.  I asked him a few other questions.
"Hun, what do you need to do to achieve your goals?"
His response was matter of fact;
"Mum, I know I need to continue with my education, which is why I plan on working hard in high school to get as many bursaries to help me along the way.  As for the NHL, I need to get into better shape physically and I might have a shot." 

As his mum, I will NOT dissuade his dreams, the passion he has to achieve it.  He's fully aware of the percentages & odds but that won't stop him.  He plans on helping others work towards their goals, already stating he wants to help coach kids as soon as he's allowed.  

I've been given the best gifts in my life.  No matter the amount of time with each, I sit here tonight with pride for both of my boys that not one person can measure.  Not a price can be placed on how I feel as a mum, I love them both equally, with a bursting heart, I know they will be okay. I've gained more from having children that anyone may ever know. 


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