Friday 10 July 2015

Go ahead, yell

I've read some interesting articles about behaviour.  How it is important to respect what is around you.  To hold your tongue and react properly to what is in your surroundings.

Good gravy!  How are we to cross the road to the other side of feeling better when we hold it all in?  Did you know that shouting releases endorphins, stress & let's out what is holding you back?

The other day, I was given an amazing opportunity to do something I've never done, never seen.  Inside though?  I wanted to yell.  I always wondering why people do this.  Now, going through life, I understand.  It's to help let go.  I didn't yell, I didn't say what I needed to say but I have full intentions to do this in the very near future.  

I want to say these things though.

Thank you to my grandmother who told me to speak my mind but hold my chest out proudly. 

Thank you to my mother who taught me to stand on my own.

Thank you to my brothers, sisters, cousins who have shown me unconditional love, forgiveness and kindness. 

Thank you to my friends, those who laugh at me, love me and give me the push I've needed.  

Now for you?  Hold your heart out, fill it with gratitude & be the change you want to see.  I've started years ago and I wouldn't change who I've become for anything in this world.  Brighter things are coming for you!

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