Sunday 5 July 2015

Children's perspective

Among the amazing gifts I've been given with the lives of my two boys, their perspective has been the greatest.  

Many years ago, I saw my child's perspective when I lost myself in reaction to something that happened. Many of us don't ever want to admit that we lose ourselves in emotions.  I did change from that moment on though.  

I strove to be a better parent & role model.  I started to become stronger, I started to trust my gut and not let the opinion of others guide me.  I had not made the worst decisions prior but I lost control of who I wanted to become and had handed the keys to others who truly did not know any better.

Now, 295 months later I've discovered the keys to building a strong relationship.  Not all the keys, just some of the good ones.  I've tossed the old rusty keys that opened the doors to frustration, anger and control.  Those doors are closed now and I plan on walking towards the good ones, holding the keys to my future and giving the keys to my boys for theirs.  

Times I'd reflect on now are ones of laughter, ones that built strength and ones that make me feel at peace.  

My first son, at his grade 9 grad, his grade 12 grad, his independence with trips & friends, developing his own opinion (even if I disagree), standing his ground, finding love and most importantly, finding himself.

My second son, at his grade 9 grad, overcoming adversity, discovering his abilities, always questioning and wanting to learn.  He is discovering who he is every day.  Learning his ground is only as strong as his faith in himself.  

I made a promise to myself years ago to be the change I want to see, as I see the change in their eyes, their words & their actions.  Remember, your children will become what they live.


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