Wednesday 29 July 2015

Creating your own happiness

It's odd, when I intentionally sit down to write I don't find the words or thoughts as easily as when I do when I'm simply living life.  This morning it hit me and here I am with my hair in a bun, coffee to my left, knowing what I want to say.


This isn't something that can be created by force but comes naturally and in our control, no matter what anyone tells you.  

I'm like anyone else.  I have good days and I have tough days.  Those tough days happen, I have moments where I want to curl up in a ball and close the door to every one around me.  Sleep is an escape from what troubles my heart, just like many others.  

It's how I shake it off and what happens after that puts a smile on my face.  I make happiness happen without forcing the issue.  First off, I try my best to see all sides to the situation and try to choose my words carefully.  That isn't always the case but I try.  

Then, without knowing it I'll get a drop of inspiration.  This isn't as much of a creative thing as much as it is a "glass half full" attitude.  That starts daily with the moment I wake up at 5 am.  Planting my feet on the ground, I peacefully give a moment of gratitude for the ability to do this.  

I watch things.  Not TV but everything outside.  I love to hear laughter, see things happen & feel joy.  I step back from the tougher moments and absorb the benefits from each.  I live with diversity, not scheduling a life but living it.  I grasp opportunities with both hands and do my best to make the most from each moment.  

When I slip into that "slump" and want to curl up away from the world I remember this.  Happiness isn't something that someone can hand me.  It's something that I can start, something I can see, hear, smell and touch.  Happiness is in our control regardless of our circumstances, regardless of others actions.  

Create and own your happiness.

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