Wednesday 22 July 2015

Amazing moments

At the end of most days, my cheeks tend to be a bit sore, from the smiles I've passed or the warmness gained from a hug as I run into a friend.  

Opportunities gained by experiences in my life are not wasted and for those moments, I am and forever will be grateful.  

Although life has trying times, I'll encourage you to turn them into life experiences where you gain from them, no matter the length of time or possible turmoil, it is a moment gained.  

We will always be faced with adversity and it is up to us on how we choose to deal with it.  How we will turn it around to be a learning experience and how to grow.  

I will take each moment in this life and do the best I can to learn, grow and become a stronger person.  Not just for myself but to show that it can be done.  

No matter the journey you are on, make it yours and make it good.

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