Thursday 18 June 2015

The smallest of moments

I had the fortune the other day to have a great conversation with a friend who I've known for well over half my life now.  It was in that moment I was given a chance to make peace with our past and move forward with some amazing stories about the few years that we lost connection.  

Life has been an amazing journey so far.  Each experience gained, good or bad they've all been a benefit.  At the moment, while life plays out it's plan and I've gone through it, I didn't feel it was fair or right or perhaps just.  Now, after time has passed I see why it's happened.  
From each moment, I can say now with an open mind I appreciate what's been handed. For what it is, what I've gained.   

Right now, in your moment you may feel happy or sad, angry or mad, hurt or frustrated but know, this moment only lasts until you let it go.  That choice is yours and unless you give that power to someone else, you control it.  

The small moments in life count, remember this and hold them close.  The small moments will be the big moments, they will account for every part of who you become

So in reference to a dear old friend who lifted my spirits and just had a simple chat, thank you.  Thank you for giving me life's lessons at an early age.  Thank you for being simply you.  

No matter where life goes, I've been happy with the smallest of moments shared.

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