Wednesday 17 June 2015

Like a butterfly, we evolve

Take a look a few years back.  Where were you and your thoughts?  

Now take a look at where you are today?  

What choices did you make to get to where you are?  

A few years ago, I stopped caring about what others thought and starting doing what I needed to do.  

My grandmothers health was starting to show in a poor way.  The way I saw myself was starting to change, my attitude towards life, family and friends.  

I got a part time job in a mail room.  Now before you think... "mailroom"?  Well, I've have the privilege of experiencing life and at this point, I figured I should start back from square one.  My gram always told me, a job is a job.  She's right you know.  Everyone uses the toilet the exact same way with the same propose.  Yes, I just said that.

I let go of fearing what others thought of me and just did what I had to do.  This was more for my mental ability than anything else.  Trust me, working part time can be a kill joy on the pocket book.  

Well, the beautiful thing was I entered a job with anonymity.  No one knew me, what I could do, where I have been and who I knew.  The freedom was overwhelming and the joy I had for the job was entertaining.  I wasn't afraid of much but at this point in my life, I knew well enough what not to say to specific people in a company.  

So, I started delivering mail, answering the phone and slotting paper.  Before I knew it, I started to see opportunity and I jumped it.  I wanted to make changes and I knew how to do it. 

See, before this.. I worked at a golf course.  As much fun as you would think it could be... it was!  I was able to be outside, help plan events, pour drinks and meet some very interesting people from all aspects of life.  At the same time, I was treated poorly at times.  This is why I walked away.  No need to pour your life into something when others can choose to act horrible to another person just because they feel they have a right due to their status.  I kind of told a few to stuff it and with NO regrets!  (not even to this day, as I type.. I am smirking)   

Well, back to my part time job.  

The best part of working in the mail room and getting around the office?  Getting to know some pretty amazing people.  Sure, there are those few that I didn't feel great about but I noticed there were more amazing, kind, hard working, loving people.  My heart started to melt.  I was falling in love with them!  I started to listen and get to know my family work mates.  I mean, there are musicians, artists, parents, children (over 18) and friends who have known each other since childhood.  The stories are overwhelming, mostly in a fabulous way!

I joined the social committee and was asked to emcee.  WHAT!  I've never really been that type of gal.  I mean, working at a golf course.. I had to be somewhat outgoing but this was pushing myself to a new level.  Then a position opened up.  Something full time and with quite a bit more responsibility.  I applied and ... I got it!  I even surprised myself.  

Well, with the new position it took a good year to get to know what I had gotten myself into. Over the past 3 years I did the emceeing, ran a few extra events, did my job and fell more in love what opportunities I could have.  

I approached my boss with the idea of a group of us going out on a regular basis to volunteer in the community.  He was good with it.  My reason?  To build a stronger sense of being a team, a bigger purpose to life even with those I work with.  

Then last year (2014) we got on the Pink Shirt Day in support of anti-bullying.  We had a good reply in the office.  If I could guess, it was about 60 (give or take) staff members, proudly wearing their pink t-shirts.

This year?  


with the support from a friend (more like a "you can do this" shove) Grant, it was successful!

The response was overwhelming.  I broke down with overwhelming emotions for the support.  

The great thing is ... while doing all of this that made me over the moon happy, I lost the memories of the ones that didn't.  Each day, I look forward to building happy moments with others that want the same... 

Funny thing... I've changed.   

Best part? 

I love it because I've been given the opportunity to evolve.

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