Monday 1 June 2015

Going from A to B

I suppose the way life has unfolded for me I became that stero typical A type person. Whatever I could control, I would do my best. From friends, family then to work. Head down, ass up. When something needed to get done I could do it and with all my efforts put forward.

I didn't see how much this affected my relationships, at times putting strain where it wasn't necessary. I needed to have some control in my life as for most of it I didn't feel there was a choice. In the process, almost losing myself.

Today I'm putting it out there, acknowledging more than I've wanted to but I guess for sanity it's necessary.

These last few months, I've faced some choices that I truly did not want to. Why?  I've become unhappy with the direction I've let life go in and I do not want that to be my legacy.

After losing family, friends and some of my friends children I've discovered that I want to live. I need to for myself.  There is so much out there and it's time to start trusting myself and perhaps a bit of faith in letting go is necessary.

My biggest heart break is letting go of something I've wanted my whole life. Now with the biggest change ahead, I've discovered that letting things happen is right, when it feels right. Along this journey, I've met some amazing friends who I can trust, who have shown me that it's going to be okay and I can do it.

I feel as though I'm starting to learn to become a B type. Relaxed with how things may unfold, accepting what I cannot change and adapting. Life is to short to be afraid, to brief to not grasp the opportunities given.

When you face yourself every morning as you stand in front of that mirror ask your self something.

"Who are you living for?"

The answer should be what your reflection shows.

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