Sunday 24 May 2015

Let your whisper become a roar

I love discovering new things.. what surprises me most is when it's about myself.  

Today, after doing some volunteering I walked into a shop to look at some clothing.  Nothing intentional but just to look.  As I was walking and looking at items, I caught a view of what I thought was a woman just across the isle.  It didn't dawn on me that it was my reflection but for a brief moment, I saw someone I didn't recognise.  I can't describe to you what I saw but the thoughts that followed were .. 

actually okay. 

We are the biggest critics of ourselves.  Every day, you and I look in the mirror and think... "if I was only a bit different" in one way or another.  We seem to fall into this pattern of wanting to change who we are for what we feel is for the better.  The simple fact is that we need to start accepting us for who we are.  

I talk about judgement, how we can pass it quickly on others but how about ourselves?  Start today, this moment.  Take a look at yourself in the mirror and be okay with what you see.  If you have something different, it's perfect.  It's unique and it's you!  

Do this daily, do it in private and start with a whisper.  After a week, you'll notice something different.  You'll discover confidence that wasn't there.  You'll discover a beautiful part of someone you didn't see before.  After time, that whisper will become a roar.

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