Monday 8 June 2015

The most amazing experience

I enjoy the moment when I reflect and a memory puts a smile on my face. I also enjoy the moments in the present. Hearing the successes of others, I must admit mostly my children. There isn't a single moment I'd trade for each time I've heard my boys tell me something they have accomplished. They are my joy, my sun, my moon.

Michael came by on Sunday to help me with our pup. He started to tell me about how school is going, how he is planning on the changes in his life and where he is headed. How happy he seems to be. I'd bet my life he's on the right path for his journey.  He will experience life to its fullest as he knows he has options and nothing can stop him from change, which can only be good.

Arthur Jrs successes are a different measure. Although the boys are 10 years apart he's already marking his path and for this, I am thankful. What 14 year old boy gives inspirational speeches to a locker room full of 14 year old boys he's never met, what 14 year old boy decides to buy a suit?  Not many but this isn't what makes me the proudest.  It's the moments he chooses to define himself with his actions. I'll encourage him to be who he wants with life. Not to be someone that others want, but to be the person he chooses.

Both of my boys are individual people who know their paths are only made by themselves. This is what I'm proud of. They can hold their heads high, stretch their arms out and reach for the stars. They also both know that if, by chance they fall, I will be here to catch them. No matter what, my desire for them to succeed in their journey is stronger than anything I've experienced.

So, to whomever is out there that gave me their lives to start out with, thank you for the most amazing experience.

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