Wednesday 13 May 2015

With empathy comes compassion.

I often wonder about how much life has changed me, my perspective and attitude.  Lately through trial and error, I've seen more than what I anticipated.

As young adults, we aren't exposed to many situations, which in turn can create less empathy, strong opinions and several hesitations.

As I've aged, so have those I've said.  

My empathy goes far beyond what I ever expected.  I no longer hold judgement nor do I create it.  What's in others lives, is just that.  Others lives.  It is not or has it ever been mine.  I have learnt to listen and not speak, watch and not act.  

I may have developed strong opinions but I no longer hold them to be the truth of it all.  I'm willing to learn from others now and perhaps along the way, admit I was wrong if so. 

Hesitations?  Hold them or dive right in.... 

I do both now but at least with a bit of research.  

My path is only made by the choices I've made. With time I'll discover which were the best for myself alone.  I only hope that through empathy and compassion others do the same.  

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