Tuesday 19 May 2015


I remember change happening as young as 5 years old.  I never enjoyed it but learnt to adapt to whatever came my way.  

For most of us, we fight it.  Do our best to stop what we've come accustom to as it's usually the easier way in life.  What we fail to see is what may be outside of our safety, outside this box life we tend to live in.  Change can be good, it comes with growth both personal and professional. 

Change can also tear some apart.  It is not an easy hill to climb but mostly, we hope that the change we have in life leads us somewhere better not bitter.

I cannot say with certainty that making a leap of faith when you can't see the bottom is easy, it can be the scariest thing one might do.

Live your life.  Adapt.  Be truthful.  Grow.  Change.

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