Sunday 10 May 2015

What is a mum?

I don't have to ponder this word, this question for a long period of time.  I see the actions daily and it has always brought a smile to my face, warmed my heart and even placed a tear on my cheek.

You cannot define this by a singular word.  She makes the most amazing dish that not even your partner can duplicate, even if they were scrambled eggs.  They helped you tie your shoes, let you pick out the craziest top, funniest hair cut and let you stomp your feet when you were tired.  

A mum defended you to the end at times, even if you didn't see.  She has kissed your bo-bo and wiped your tears away, they caught you at the bottom of the water slide almost every time and reassured you that you can do "this" every moment you doubted.  She will cheer you on at your first hockey game, tie your skates until the coaches or you decided it's time to scoot out of the dressing room.  She will yell the loudest in the arena, at the field or in the pool when you score, defend or cross that finish line.  You and her have "words" to encourage you along your path that no one else has.  You know without a doubt, she has your back at any given moment.

She may not say things at times but know to make your favourite chocolate chip cookies, hot chocolate from scratch or just sit with you under a warm blanket and make up the most amazing stories with creatures beyond this world.

When you messed up with a choice, all they did was tell you that you'll know better next time and when you came home with your first "A" on the report card, left it on the fridge for months, if not years.  Know that your Mum kept every mothers day card made by scratch, hidden from view.  

She is someone who will love you unconditionally through each moment.  Even when you said you hated her.  As a young adult, she remembered how she so badly wanted to spread her wings and fly, knowing full well you would return with a warm hug and an "I love you mum"

Deep inside every single mum is a love that knows no boundaries, limitless beyond words and actions.  

I am a daughter, a mother.  I've now seen it full circle and wouldn't trade a single moment for anything in this world.  

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