Monday 4 May 2015

Don't be afraid

It's funny as life unravels, you discover more of yourself.  

Values.  Not just what you believe in but what you've given up to have others believe in you.

Why is it that we surrender who we are to grasp at what we think is important.  We are taught at an early age to give in and conform to those around us.  What to like, dislike.  Opinions on others all based on those closest to us.  It's no surprise that when most of us reach adulthood, we still want to please others, do what others do and only for the acceptance of others.  Not for ourselves.  The lucky few that are taught to think for themselves, believe in themselves are ones that appear to be odd to the rest of us.  

Perhaps, instead of slapping a preconceived label on another, before making a judgement call, just stop.  What difference will it make in your life if one wears something you wouldn't?  Does it really make them terrible?  Nah, I don't think so.

Freedom of expression is one we take for granted.  Once we stop doing at a young age and one, we truly need to grasp again.  

Don't be afraid of dancing in the rain, singing in the car, being who you are.  20 years from now it won't matter.  

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