Friday 22 May 2015

Each journey has a step

I can't figure out where to start but I think I know where this journey is going.  

I know for certain a few things.  

Kindness is the most important.  You'll discover more than expected, you'll gain compassion for others and shine like a star when you do.  It's key though, to be kind to yourself.  Know your limitations, boundaries and hold those close.  If anything, this life will show you those when the time arrives.  It's going to be okay, you'll be fine.  

Secondly, listen.  Hear what people are truly saying.  Don't interrupt.  Not because it's a bit rude but just take a deep breath and listen.  You'll learn more about yourself when you start to listen.  It's okay to be wrong too.  When you discover that being wrong is okay, you'll learn more.  

Watch.  This is the third key to life.  Watch things unfold around you.  The actions of others will show you many things.  

Life's experiences aren't always easy but each are worth the moment you've given them.  The good, the bad and even... the ugly.  Just remember, it's okay to love.  

Hold your hands out and accept what's given to you.  Remember that it's up to you and only you to make the changes you want to see.  

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