Monday 23 March 2015

Using muscles for a positive investment

There are so many things that may happen throughout your day that will either uplift you to a mountain top or tear you down into a pile of pebbles.  It is amazing that with simple words used from a small muscle can do either. 

Know that words spoken by your lips can be stronger than any key that locks a door, can change an outcome of any situation.  Understand that a simple gesture, like a smile can let someone know you care.  A hug to let a friend know they will be okay.  

Today, before you face the first person, make a decision to use those tools in a positive way.  

Choose to give someone value in their lives where they may feel they might be missing it with words.  Look up with your eyes, into someone else's and smile.  Use your arms to embrace them, giving a moment to hand over their worries.  

Whatever you do, do not use those muscles to tear a person down.  You are not that.  You are much more where with one gesture and one choice can make the world of a difference in someone else's life.  

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