Saturday 28 March 2015

Build it

What did you see or read in the local paper?  Was it a horrible situation that you wish never happened?  You sit there wondering... "Where is this world getting to?"  A small crack evolved in your heart, your feeling of safety and happiness.  

As big as this is, you need to remember it happens but you have the power to make the change in life.  

Let me say that for me, all of the above happens to me and I don't believe I'm alone.  What I do know by my life experiences is that no matter how tough the situation, no matter how big the mountain, you can make changes, for you and for others.  To give faith that in the bigger picture everything will work out to be okay.  

All around us, on a daily basis hard things happen.  It's easy to give in and stop trusting, stop believing.  

It is also easy to build on faith.  Humanity isn't something that will go away.  The good in humanity is here to stay and without you believing in it will just make it tougher to help build it up.  Start with a kind gesture, a kind word and take those moments to build on.  

You will be okay.  

Monday 23 March 2015

Using muscles for a positive investment

There are so many things that may happen throughout your day that will either uplift you to a mountain top or tear you down into a pile of pebbles.  It is amazing that with simple words used from a small muscle can do either. 

Know that words spoken by your lips can be stronger than any key that locks a door, can change an outcome of any situation.  Understand that a simple gesture, like a smile can let someone know you care.  A hug to let a friend know they will be okay.  

Today, before you face the first person, make a decision to use those tools in a positive way.  

Choose to give someone value in their lives where they may feel they might be missing it with words.  Look up with your eyes, into someone else's and smile.  Use your arms to embrace them, giving a moment to hand over their worries.  

Whatever you do, do not use those muscles to tear a person down.  You are not that.  You are much more where with one gesture and one choice can make the world of a difference in someone else's life.  

Saturday 21 March 2015

All the best intentions were made yesterday...

I come in here daily, although I may not post that often right now, I do have moments that I want to write about.  Ones that really touch my soul.

Then yesterday happened.  I lied.

Here's what happened.  

I felt the need for a fresh coffee from our local Tim Horton's.  I went to a group of friends at work to take their order.  They kept saying no but with some convincing, I got a few orders. How?

I lied.  

I told them I had a bunch of free coffees to use up and it was my treat.  (while my fingers were crossed behind my back).

I drove over, ordered and returned while putting the coffees on their desks, laughter and smiles came from  it.  That made my afternoon.  After all, yesterday was International day of Happiness.  

I returned to my desk and to work.  Quietly humming away while filing another friend at work came up to me and looked at my funny.  I had to ask if something was on my face.  He said... mm... 
"No but you like Tim Horton's right?"
I responded honestly. 
"I sure do." 
He then handed me 3 free coffee tabs and walked away.

I agree.  It's not good to lie.  I'm not telling you that you'll get a reward for lying.  

What I am telling you is that sometimes, not always, good things come from good intentions.  
Don't give up on being kind.  
Don't stop paying it forward.  
Don't stop believing in the good.

Saturday 14 March 2015

A little piece of the moon

Let's face the ugly truth.  We all face loss.  It's the toughest thing in the word, something that breaks our hearts, makes us lose faith and question everything, every moment, every breath.  Everything.  

Success from the fall isn't just about the journey, it's about how we respond.  

Don't let this break you.  Don't let this change you.  You are beautiful and if you let this loss take a piece of who you are away, you let it win.  

Just allow yourself the moment to feel it.  Then do your best, when you are ready to breathe again.  It's going to be okay.

Sunday 1 March 2015

This life: Take your moment in life to breathe

This life: Take your moment in life to breathe: In the process of living life, we tend to lose sight of ourselves.  I tend to talk about personal matters as I know, you and I... we are t...