Friday 6 February 2015

How to truly enjoy the moment in life when it counts

It’s been a long time coming.  I knew what I wanted for my birthday isn’t material.    

I just couldn’t put a finger on it.  

Things are simply, things.  

Honestly, if I wanted to try something different in life (such as the biggest at the moment, which is to try skydiving - not recommended in the winter here in Canada) but I can just save the funds and do it.  Why haven’t I?  Before I go out and spend money I ask myself these questions.

Do I need it?

How will it make a difference in my life today?

Well sure, skydiving.. it’s a thrill for some, would be for me at least.  I don’t need it though.  I just want to try it.  

I don’t need clothing, I have no holes. 

(My poor attempt to some humour)

I guess it didn’t take much to figure it out as I know when I am happiest.  When I am doing things for others.  To see a smile on someone else’s face because of something I did?  




The other part to this?  I came home today.  My son built a box for another persons birthday.  His school is teaching him philanthropy.  Not that he doesn’t get this at home, it’s become a type of religion.  

So he asked me, “mum, where is the closest food bank”?  

ha .. I love this kid.  He makes my heart hurt, in a good way of course.  

So, Tuesday on my actual birthday I’ve decided to take the day off.  

I’m heading with some beautiful souls from work to the local Ronald McDonald house to serve Taco’s for dinner.  Well, I’ll help with it.  I plan on giving away some great memories, lots of laughter and without telling anyone there, enjoy the best birthday of my life.  

Shortly after dinner, I’ll be heading to enjoy an evening with some fantastic parents while watching Jr.’s hockey game.  Full of smiles, intending to spread the joy.  

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