Saturday 24 January 2015

Your mental positive exercise for today

Here’s an exercise for your mind.  

When you’ve faced adversity, what have you gained?  

I know it can be a hard one to wrap your head around when the thing that could have torn you down and possibly broken you that is something you gained from.  

An example I’ll share.

My first marriage.  I was 18 years of age and although I thought the dream of escaping one life into another was the answer to the problems I was trying to fix, it wasn't.  

I turned 18 in February, became pregnant in April, married in October then gave birth to my first in December.  The following year in December I was a single mum.  We were both young.  It was the most emotional year of my life and the most educational. 

During that time, I had the happiest moment and of course, the saddest.  

Looking back now, I know why.  

I learnt that running from one problem into another, won’t solve anything.  That no one, not a knight in shinning armour will fix things, that it’s up to you and only you.  Facing your fears may be hard but running from them is (in the long term) is harder.

All this being said, many years later I am a much different woman.  I have regrets on how I tried to solve the issues, taking it out on those who were ultimately wanting to help me.  That being said, I have more positives from this time than negatives.

So, for a few moments and reflect on those tough moments in your life.  Take it step by step in your mind and try to see where it’s lead you in life.  Have you improved?  Has your thought process changed?  Has your actions in life changed?  

If you are like me, they have.  For the better.  

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