Monday 19 January 2015

Believe as if it was your last breath

You experienced it at a young age, your earliest memories of the act isn’t a mystery and it’s far beyond your expectations.  

Why is it so hard to find as an adult?  Now, amongst our busy days if we blink we might miss the simplicity of it all.  

The desire of this simple act is something that has been screamed for by the mute, heard by the deaf, more desired for by the rich.  Yet we disregard the simplest act of it.  

What is the one thing that we need to continue this life, the simple breath that we take to start our lives each day?


In yourself, the ones closest to you.

Belief that today’s changes are ones for you to take.

In someone’s good will.

In a smile, a glance, a hand, a hug.

A higher power, a better world...

Belief in a choice.

Stop for a moment and question something... When did you stop believing?  

Deep inside, you know it as well as I.

We never stopped believing.  We just let the noise outside become too loud to hear that child inside say;  


Take a moment, just today, right now to listen to yourself.  Ask why, but most importantly, when.

Now make a choice to change from being lost, to believing something can be done, change can happen.

It starts with your first breath each morning.  You are going to survive this and you will be the change you want to see happen.  

Start with believing in yourself, as no one will until you do. 

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