Sunday 25 January 2015

Simple moments of happiness

The house is as quiet as possible with a bit of music playing in the back ground and I have a warm plate of freshly baked banana bread at my side.  

Small bites at a time do more than fill my belly, they feed my soul.  

As I blended the flour with other necessary ingredients, I recall the times standing beside my grandmother or mum as a young girl laughing and baking.  The smell brings the memories flooding back, of discussions and debates.  Both my mum and grandmother have been women of strength.  Showing much needed compassion and the ability to show others how strength is defined.  

I’ll never forgot those moments.  More so when I stand at the kitchen counter, with a bit of flour on my apron, waiting for the milk to sour so I can complete this small baking task I use to share with the women in my life who helped define me.  

As simple as this act is to others, it’s a way I honour both of them daily.  

What are the simple happy moments for you?

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