Thursday 29 January 2015

A path paved with good intentions does not always lead to hell

I am a glass half full, rose wearing specks hockey mum.  I am a help the odd man up, cheer the odd man on kinda gal.  No matter the amount of losses, you’ll hear me in the crowds all the time cheering you on.  

I certainly don't expect the same in return but many times, I feel kicked to the curb by good intentions misunderstood.  This week more so than ever.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m simply pointing out that, I am human too.  I’m quite sure you already knew that but ... sometimes I can be misread.  

Life happens.  No matter the outcome of someone’s words that made them look much uglier than I ever imagined, I plan on heading back onto the path and showing, that no only do I have good intentions, I will follow through.  

Why?  I’ve been there, I know it hurts your dumb ass to fall down but I also know it feels amazing to eat humble pie and get back up. 

On that note, I need a good nights rest. 

Don’t forget to NOT give up.  

"L'enfer est plein de bonnes volontés ou désirs.”

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