Wednesday 7 January 2015

Going to the professional league

Yep, I said it.  I don’t give a rat’s ass what everyone else things either.  

ha... if I told my child anything other what do you think would happen?  He’d coast along believing that he’s happy with what he has.  Heck, the odds?  Better than making the Olympics.  Yet if a child you know told you they were aiming for the Olympics, would you say they couldn’t?  Of course NOT!  So why crush a dream before it starts.  

Let’s face it, for any child that has a dream to make it to a professional team as a young adult, the odds are small BUT who are we to take that dream away?  

Did anyone tell you that you weren’t smart enough to graduate?  How about get that job you think is the “dream” job?  

Whatever you set your sights on in life, if someone tells you that you can’t have it, chances are you might actually believe them.  

I would hope you would actually try to prove them wrong.  

So ask me this,  am I going to tell my child they can’t become the worlds greatest Chef (my older son is working towards his Red Seal) 

... or that my child won’t make it to the NHL?  (my younger son plays hockey).

Not on your life!  

Am I going to support them with the proper education, being a good parent or setting an example of how to live a happy life?  

Your damn right I am.  

I’ll admit, some day’s I wear a mask to hide the fears I have, the burdens I carry or even my frustrations but only for a bit.  

I’ll let them know I am human, I do feel and I can recover.  

Life IS going to toss me a curve ball, I AM going to fall 


I AM going to catch that ball eventually, I will get up and dust off my pants.  I WILL recover.  I WILL succeed.  

As will both of my boys.  

Life isn’t life without having to face adversity, discovering disappointment and discovering our successes.  

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