Saturday 3 January 2015

Learn from the past, live for the moment

I’ve been thinking about this year and about the past.  What did I accomplish and what direction my life has taken me to this point.  Mostly, where I want to be by the end of this year.  

I know that history repeats its self so what do I want to change the most?

Who am I?   Well, I’ve discovered that happiness for me isn’t about things.  It’s isn’t about me but happiness that comes from what I’ve done.  I know one thing for sure, when I’ve helped put a smile on someone else’s face I feel great.  I gain energy from doing something right.  

I’ve discovered that feeding into frustration and anger makes me feel tired.  

So, for this year I won’t only push myself to think with a more positive outlook, I’ll help others do the same.  It’s about the change I want to see in this world.  Sure, I can’t change everything but I can start with myself and I hope, it helps others.  I want to feel the good energy in life, I want to smile until my face hurts, laugh until my tummy hurts, I want to do more than last year.  

Remember, whatever you do, don’t give up.  It’s okay to stumble, it’s great to fall.  You’ll never know how to get back up unless you do.  Once you do get up, you’ll know how to do it better, you’ll be stronger and you will know how to live with compassion when you do.

Happy New Year my friends!

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