Saturday 1 November 2014

Who thought food would teach this...

A quiet Saturday morning.  My younger son and I crawl out of bed a bit later than usual but it’s warranted.  He’s recovering from the breaks in his ankle and I’m exhausted from a few extra activities that I picked up.  No complaints though!  Needless to say, the extra sleep was welcomed.  

After doing my Saturday tidy around the house, I start to prepare breakfast.  Egg sandwiches.  Any other person might just toss one together, I start thinking.  I won’t bother putting this entire thing together... I’ll prepare it all and give him the option.  


What a great analogy!  

No, I’ve not fallen off my rocker.  I think it just get’s better every day.  The thought process that is. 

My son is 14.  If he’s not thinking about food, then I don’t know what he’s thinking of.  So, after the thoughts goes through my head, I smirk.  I’m am going to use this.. it’s going to be AWESOME

20 minutes later, after the bacon has cooked, I’ve prepared the plate full of options to add and eggs have been placed upon the toast, I call him over to the table.  
“WOW, thanks Mum.... this looks great”!
He hops himself into the chair and starts digging in.  Of course, before he get’s too far, I ask him to stop for a minute.

I smirk again.
Hey bud, you know how I always try to encourage you to do different things, how I want you to live your life”?
“Well, life is like this in front of you.  If you are given the same sandwich day in and day out, you won’t know what’s out there, you’ll never know diversity.”
“If you are aware of the options in life, you can choose.  I want you to be aware, I want you to choose”.  
“yah, I know”.
“I don’t want you to think that because you only see things through your parents life, that is your only option”.
“Artie, live life.  Take from it what you love, make it your own and enjoy it  just like this sandwich”.
“That’s kinda cool mum”.  
I smirk
“yah, it is”.  

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