Friday 31 October 2014

Giving strength when letting go

When growing up, a child wishes to be accepted, loved and sheltered unconditionally.  A child unknowingly will trust whoever holds the closest, as if it is love at first sight.  Laughter, snuggles and held hands payed in return, in full.  The same, unconditionally.  

As a young teen, that child may doubt themselves.  Your guidance and unconditional love will help your child gain confidence and self worth.  

Growing up to become a young adult, they will want to break free but will glance back at you while your confidence starts to shatter, did you show them everything you wanted?  It’s a fear you never disclose, a crack in your exterior shell you’ve held together for years.  One that you never shed so they would never become who you have.  

Given the same chance, would your world be different?  Choices made in your life for love or for survival?  Whatever the reason, you made it this far, you can keep on going.  Your belief in things getting better is stronger than your fear of it falling apart.

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