Sunday 2 November 2014

When it started, I didn’t expect this outcome..

January 5, 2012 

I started to write here.  At first, it wasn’t to be published, for public eyes.  It was a way to express emotions, a record I suppose.

Before I knew it, I went public.  I came out as a “blogger” 

*insert rolling eyes with side smirk*

The next few years, it became a journey.  Partly for me, partly for others.  I’ve found that when some shared stories with me, it struck cords and I found that life, this life we share is more similar than I ever knew.  

A good 10 years ago, I saw nothing outside of my circle.  I call it a circle because I thought everything revolved around my life.  Little did I know, my circle was a smaller part to a bigger one around.  

When you see the title to this blog, know that it’s not about me.  It’s about you.  It’s about finding a bigger purpose in life.  

Each other.  

When you fall, pick yourself up and dust yourself off as I did.  I’m not perfect but inside this soul I carry around, I am happy.  Happier than I’ve been in ages all because I’m not longer looking inside, but looking outside.

Life will get better.  It’s only up to you.  Dance, live your life.  

My grandfather and I dancing (I was in the white dress)

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