Sunday 30 November 2014

The first steps

While I am about to embark on a new challenge in my life, I have to reflect on where I was a year ago. 

With doubts swimming through my head, I wanted to be different.  I wanted to be remembered for a type of person that I wanted to be.  I needed to make that change.  

I started to do things for me that represented who I am inside.  

I questioned what made me happy, what I was truly afraid of and what steps I needed to make to create a change to better myself.  Not on a selfish note, quite the opposite.  It was a choice to make my life what I wanted, to become happier, to then share it.  

My mum always told me, "to be happy you have to start with yourself".   

I opened up with my blog.  Step 1 - Write more often, write what I believe in, with passion and let the fear go.  You are asking ... what was I afraid of?  Failure, rejection... most things we are all afraid of. 

I discovered that I’m not alone (Thus the title of my blog - This Life) I can make mistakes, I own them and I learn from them.  

The best part of making a change is coming out on top.  The feeling is like, waking from a great nap.  One you’ve needed for ages, those naps when you sit up, stretch out and feel .... fantastic.

I’ve also learnt to go out of my comfort zone.  Start projects and complete them.  

I’ve learnt to say “No” and to recognize that it’s okay.  

When you want to do something, do it.  Take a deep breath and discover who you are.  

Your potential is your’s to own.  You can fly and touch the clouds.  

Remember, the first person you need to believe in is...


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