Tuesday 25 November 2014

If you have it.. use it.

This past summer, I hosted a garage sale.  Had to clear out some clutter.  Less to dust I suppose but regardless, I needed it gone.  

While doing this, I also paid it forward doing acts of kindness when possible.  Gave some kids toys, a young man who’s beginning to teach, my son’s books, an a stranger, my shoulder. 

A woman popped by, she was quietly shifting around moving items from here to there.  Not saying much. I said my usual chipper “hello” and left her to her business.  Others came and went but she quietly shifted around. I slowly walked over to her, sensing her aprehension   

I opened her up with a light conversation about the weather and how sunny it has been.  We then shifted into people why come by sales such as this, what their intent was and then ... bam.  She fell apart.  No one was around and all I could do was wrap my arms around her.  She let it out, all of it.

Without thinking, I stated to talk and listen.  

I don’t know if she needed that shoulder to lean on, the words I said or just a moment to let go where she didn’t know a soul.  Regardless, I was there for her.  

I suppose we all have those days.  You know... the ones where we need to fall apart.  To have someone hold us and tell us this will pass, that we will find the strength to carry on.  No judgement, nothing.  

We are all human, we all feel we all crumble at one time or another.  The most important thing to remember...

It’s okay.  

You are allowed to cry.  You are allowed to be upset.  




The next time you see someone and they look as though they are about to let go, tell them it’s okay.  You might be doing them a favour, something they need to know.  Just be kind enough to know it’s not about you, it’s just something they need to figure out.

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