Thursday 20 November 2014

Finding your inspiration

There are days that while watching the news, reading the paper, seeing messages that, well simply put crush my heart.  I cry for the innocence taken away, the ones who know no difference, ones who become a victim of circumstance.  

I will, however not succumb to anger.  I will look at the brighter side of things, no matter the outcome, no matter the hardness, no matter the darkness.

I will face adversity with determination and I will help create a better world. 

Like rain, falling it creates a pond.  Like a ripple in the water, it will create a wave.  Like the sun rise early in the morning, it will create light for the day.

My inspiration is finding the good in the bad, the light in the morning, the wave in the ocean and the pond that fills up from rain.  

I know there is a better life out there.  These are my inspirations, this is my path.  

Find yours, build it, believe it.  

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