Thursday 20 November 2014

Become the change you want to see

When I was 5, I thought the world could do no wrong.  I use to believe in Santa and the Tooth fairy.

 When I was 10, I thought I could do no wrong.  I use to believe I could anything.

When I was 15, I thought no boy could do no wrong.  I believed in a knight with shining armour.

When I was 20, I thought my son could do no wrong.  I believed in faith.

When I was 25, I thought I was doing it all wrong, I stopped believing in myself.

When I was 30, I thought I was able to over come anything.  I stopped looking inward.

When I was 35, I saw what I did wrong and started to change.  I wanted to do better.

When I was 40, I looked in the mirror and said to myself, “I’ve become the change I want to see”.

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