Monday 20 October 2014

What I will not do for my kids

All these past years, while being a mum, I’ve given thought to what I’d do for my kids.

I’d give them the last bite of food in the house before eating it.  I would stay up late reading until they fell asleep.  Wash their sheets after a long night of upset tummies and a warm place to lay when they’ve had a nightmare.  I’d show them it’s okay to cry, be angry and how to forgive.  I’ll show them the moon and stars, how to grow a plant from a seed and how to harvest a vegetable after a summer of nurturing them day in and day out.  I will keep my word, my promise, my love, unconditionally.  

I will tell them how much they mean to me, each and every time I lay my eyes on them.  I will nurture each question with a question to help them process their thoughts.  I will keep them safe, warm and happy until my last breath has been taken.

What will I not do?   I will not suppress their curiosity.  I will not make them be like me.  I will not tell them how to choose something, rather I will offer options and help them choose for themselves.  I will not force them to be someone they are not, I will not ever stifle their creativity nor will I help others suppress my child's ideas.  

I will be their mum, until my last breath is taken, I will not ever stop loving them.  

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