Sunday 19 October 2014

Though each moment

I, like you have bright, wonderful days but as bright as they can be, some day’s are dark.  I fall between cracks at times, doubting where life is taking me, my choices I’ve made, then the most amazing thing happens... 

I am given a moment of laughter.  The clouds separate and sun shines again.  

I was driving to a local grocery store when behind me, a man, perhaps the same age as me but with much longer hair than I, was driving his van.  

I dislike to stereotype but most of us that drive a mini van have more than one child, living a busy life style.  

This man... could have been driving a sports car, with the top down and music blaring.  He was not only driving but (through my rear view mirror), he was singing, quite liberally I might add, swaying his head back and forth all the while his hair flying.

Not what I expected at all.  The smile stayed on my face for the remainder of the day, in fact, it remains planted in my thoughts to remind me ... lighted up girl.  Let go of what you can’t control and mostly, enjoy what is around you, right now in this very moment. 

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