Sunday 12 October 2014

Thanks for, forgiving

On Monday, October 13th Canada’s will be celebrating Thanksgiving.  I’ve been reflecting on this date and what it means to me.  

As you, I’ve been living a life.  Along with that, I experience some amazing, wonderful and kind events,  I’ve also seen some harder ones.  Some, during the time, feeling as though it’s not going to get better.  Some moments, as though the sun couldn’t shine brighter.  

I’m not going to reflect on harder times in a negative light but in a better, brighter light.  

I don’t want to believe I am alone when I say, hardships, at times can bring a weight that wants to break us.  

It didn’t.  Nor will you.

They actually make us stronger.  

I know, it’s not fair.  Not right to bring us here to experience something so hard that the world feels against us, the weight of the burdens crush us.  

It is though, no different than getting off the couch and facing the outside, walking and breathing in fresh air.  The more we do it, the better we start to feel physically and emotionally.  We need to own the weight we carry but we also are the only ones to let the weight go.  

Like taking a walk outside, with the fresh, crisp autumn air, exhaling after each step, letting go of the weight inside.  

We become stronger with every moment that passes.  Those heavy weights no longer seem like a burden but a lesson learnt.  Now, with the fresh sight we’ve gained, we know that today, if only in this moment, all will be okay.  

No one knows where our paths are going and mostly, where they will end up.  

I am thankful for each experience I’ve had.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  

Without those, I wouldn’t have become the woman I am today.  

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