Sunday 7 September 2014

Who are you proving yourself to?

When I was younger, I wanted to have at least one solid connection with a friend.  Due to the constant moving, it was difficult to create relationships and harder to build trust. Like most of us, I grew up wanting to give much of myself away to quickly gain a friend.  

As time as passed, I’ve found that the need to seek out someone to approve of my choices, of who I am or what I want doesn’t matter.  In the end, I am the one to live with the decisions I make daily.  

That all being said, I am happy knowing the ones that want me around, love me for who I am.  This isn’t something that happened one night, one moment but over time and with the conviction that I am okay with me.

So each day, when you wake up face yourself.  Right in the mirror and say to your reflection:

“Yesterday is done and today is a fresh start”.  

Start with discovering you, what makes your head and heart tick, what drives you and stir’s your passion.  

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