Tuesday 9 September 2014

A picture is worth.... well, it simply can be priceless.

My friends, we will all have down days. Ones that seem hopeless, endless, lightless.

It is in times like these, we look at better times that lift our spirits, put a smile on our faces and a little roar in our bellies.  If we have none of these to reflect upon, then what do we have.

Strength comes from many things but at times alone, they are pulled from memory.  Use that to help guide you to a better place.  Somewhere, if just for a moment to give you a piece of serenity.

I’d put a picture up, some random one that I felt fit’s the blog post but all I keep thinking of, are times with my boys when they make me laugh, watching them plant a garden, listening to their tiny voices read, watching their faces of excitement when that perfect moment in their life happens.  From that first ball they hit in baseball, the first goal in soccer, their first team win. These memories make me smile, these bring me back.

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